Crescent Cove Home Owners Secure Area
Dear Homeowners,
Welcome to our website.
Moving forward as your Board of Directors we have made several commitments to ensure a more effective and efficient administration of the Regime. We have encountered many obstacles along the way but we are working diligently on your behalf to guarantee a more pleasant stay when you visit us at Palmas. Among the many things that have been dealt with, was starting a website to provide you with important information and start an open channel of communication among us.
You'll be able to have access the Horizontal Property Law of Puerto Rico as well as our current By Laws for your review and understanding. Besides, the most important rules that ensures an entertaining and cordial relationship among our homeowners, visitors, renters and staff.
But we also want to keep you posted on what the BOD is planning and doing on behalf of you all. We will post the minutes of all meetings held by the Board as well as important news we wish to convey in order you are correctly informed of our diligence in all matter pertaining to Crescent Cove.
If someone is still unaware of who are the members of the Board, we have included our contact information. By the same token, you can contact our Administrator through the website, who gladly will inquire or respond to your request as soon as possible.
As you surf through the site, you'll notice that there are certain links that require a password. This has been done to maintain certain subjects as confidential among the homeowners. To obtain the instructions needed to enter these sections please call or email Myrna during office hours and she will inform you of the steps to follow.
Our plan is to evolve this website according to the needs of our community. Among these plans are to initially sell banners to homeowners interested in advertising their villas at Crescent Cove. Our first offer will be to the homeowners, but eventually we will sell them to anyone interested. It's a source of income that we will take advantage of. As part of the worldwide web, this site will likely be googled through time, providing an excellent opportunity to rent your apartments at minimum cost.
I hope you enjoy the benefits of having this informative tool to keep in touch with your BOD, neighbors and everything that's happening in Crescent Cove at Palmas del Mar.
Board of Directors